Managing Pain

Fibromyalgia and exercise

November 18, 2022

Fibromyalgia is one of the most common conditions that causes long term or chronic pain.This disorder effects millions of people in the United States alone! It is also a condition that is very difficult to treat and so many people are suffering asa result. If you are reading this article it’s clear that you or someone you know and love is suffering too, and you are looking for answers.

A big part of my business is striving to help people with all types of conditions relieve pain, even outside of my Pain Revolutionized masterclass. When I researched alternative ways to relieve pain from fibromyalgia I was surprised to find how many doctors are agreeing that exercise is very successful in reducing pain.

I know that it can be extremely scary to try and be active when you have a condition like this; what if exercise makes your pain even worse right? In my own chronic pain journey I went through a period where I was terrified to exercise because the pain I was experiencing was already so bad I could not imagine adding to it. I believe that you, just as I have, can push through that fear and here is why you absolutely should.

The Why

According to the Mayo Clinic, aerobic exercise has been proven to improve pain, function and quality of life in those patients suffering from fibromyalgia [1]. The University of Michigan reports that mild to moderate exercise can increase blood flow to muscles, reduce the risk of injuries that would cause more pain, help with sleep and overall sense of well being [2]. Using exercise as a treatment method in fibromyalgia can decrease stiffness and pain as well as improve muscle function according toMedical News Today [3]. These benefits seem good enough to work through the fear am I right?

The What and the How

In doing this research there are several things that medical professionals agree on regarding what types of exercise are appropriate as well as how to actually get started exercising correctly and safely. First and most importantly, speak with your doctor about wanting to be more active and how to do that effectively. Your situation may be different than someone else’s and they will have the answers you are looking for. Here is a few things medical professionals want you to know.

1.    The Mayo Clinic understands the fear of starting an exercise routine when you have pain. They believe that the best way to begin being active again is to start very slowly so as to avoid injury. Start with a couple of minutes a day and work your way up so that your pain doesn’t flare.

2.    Most doctors suggest that in addition to exercise, stretching is very effective in reducing pain as well. Yoga, specifically, is commonly mentioned as abeneficial activity for those suffering from fibromyalgia.

3.    Clinics recommend range of motion exercises, strength training and endurance training.

So are you ready to start getting active and seeing all of these results? Call your doctor today!!!





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