Understanding the science behind my program

I understand that you have taken in a lot of information, and you have every right to remain skeptical. This is about your life, your pain and your health. I want to help you understand why this is the right choice for you. Don’t just take my word for it. Take the words of the scientists who have been able to prove through empirical research why this approach will be transformative for you. I have been able to transform my own life with these techniques and I can’t wait to be able to help you to do the same!

The Life-Transforming Power of Internet-Based Treatment Options

There are many who believe that internet-based treatment options will not work. I am so excited to be able to reverse that myth for you! Learn more about how internet-based treatments can serve you.

Internet-administered cognitive behavior therapy for health problems: a systematic review

Understanding Cognitive and Acceptance-Based Therapies

A large part of the way this Master Class has been developed is with the use of therapeutic treatment approaches including cognitive behavior therapy and acceptance models. Learn how cognitive and acceptance based therapies can save you money, reduce your pain and medication use, and ease your emotional distress.

Acceptance and Values-Based Action in Chronic Pain: A Study of TreatmentEffectiveness and ProcessSystematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of cognitive behaviour therapy and behaviour therapy for chronic pain in adults, excluding headache

Managing the Impact of Chronic Pain with Health & Wellness Coaching

Emerging scientific studies are demonstrating the powerful impact that health and wellness coaching can have on individuals coping with chronic pain conditions.

Health and wellness coaching positively impacts individuals with chronic pain and pain-related interferenceA pilot study of health and wellness coaching for fibromyalgia

Can Learning to Accept My Pain Really Change My Life?

You might be wondering how acceptance of your pain can truly change your life. A big piece of my Masterclass revolves around acceptance. Learn how truly transformative acceptance can be in all areas of your life!

Learning to live with the pain: Acceptance of pain predicts adjustment inpersons with chronic pain

Discover the secret recipe for banishing chronic pain

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